Agriculture écologique

Biological, organic or ecological agriculture (these three terms are equivalent and the only ones acceptable according to EU legislation) is a farming system based on the optimal use of natural resources, without using synthetic chemicals, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs) —neither as fertilizer nor to combat pests— and aimed at obtaining organic food while preserving the fertility of the land and respecting the environment in a sustainable and balanced way.

Ecological agriculture is a global system of management of agricultural production which increases and enhances the health of agrosystems, increases biological diversity, respects biological cycles, as well as the biological activity of the soil so that the comprehensive sustainability of the agricultural production system can be maintained, i.e., providing a socially, ecologically and economically sustainable agrosystem.

There are multiple systems or philosophies that inspire ecological agricultural production (natural, indigenous, family or peasant agriculture, permaculture or biodynamics, among others) which ultimately seek to satisfy the demand for natural and nutritious food for people and animals while maintaining the natural balance of the agroecosystem.

Although there exists a good deal of controversy as to the greater health benefit of organic products, the truth is that, day by day, accredited scientific voices, such as Dr  Mª Dolores Raigón, Research Professor at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, demonstrate the benefits of consuming organic products, due both to the greater volume of nutrients, minerals and vitamins as well as the absence of products considered harmful to health. 

We should also bear in mind the benefits of organic farming for the environment itself, for public health and for society in general through the practice of a non-polluting and proximity production model whose benefits are not only to consumers of products but also to the entire community. 


Brines Organic Fruits S.L.
Camí del Badell s/n
46760 Tavernes de la Valldigna
Código operador CAECV CV8715

+34 673 26 11 86